I recently bought a book for myself, Greg, and a friend called “5- where will you be in 5 years” which is a diary of sorts where you write your goals, expectations, and dreams for the next 5 years.  It also has short little rightups, stories, and quotations to inspire you.   One of the entries is about making Monday a good day instead of the dreaded Monday we in the work world have always deemed it.  Poor little Monday- so full of potential, yet everyone hates it.

Today I wish you Happy Monday because it is the start to a new, powerful, and exciting week. Don’t hate your Monday, make it woderful!

If you are interested in learning more about the book, I found a great post here.  I guess I was lucky to pick up 3 at one time because it seems the book was pretty hot at most Starbuck’s.

My weekend was filled with a lot of fun- the kind of fun that wears you out so much you pass out asleep with a smile on your face.  Greg and I made our way to the team shop for some bike work and then to Warda for some great mountain biking.  I’m not sure how many states have this but with TMBRA (Texas Mountain Bike Racing Association) we have what is called paydirt, where you earn standing points and can win some pretty sick prizes by going out and working on the various race trails.  Riders are required to put in 10 hours of paydirt.  Greg and I got 7 done this weekend.  We cut face-slapping branches, hauled junk, and cut a new trail.  It was lots of fun and lots of work.

hamiltontxneartexaslonghorn102004barclaygibson1It was my first time riding at the Bluff Creek Ranch in Warda and I had a great experience- no crashes!  I’m doing a 6-hour race there next weekend while Greg/Caveman is doing a 12-hour one.  It should be a good time.  The owners of the ranch are extermely nice people who cooked us up breakfast, lunch, and dinner for helping with the trails.  They have the distinction as being the first Mountain Bike Ranch in Texas.  They have a large herd of longorn cattle, which you pass many times on the course,  and sell their own natural, antibiotic and hormone free meats.  The cattle are extremely happy out there so I think it is all a beautiful thing.

We rode one lap on Saturday, worked on the trail, made a campfire, and got some nice hard sleep.  I really love camping so much and it is nice to have someone who appreciates the outdoors as well.  After working the morning, we rode again on Sunday.  Greg went ahead and I rode on my own for just over a lap and a half.  It was really great to feel comfortable on the course, though that wont make this weekend easy at all.   I’m just looking to have fun and finish the race.

There was this pristine little moment where everything was rolling right, the sun was beautiful, the trees smelled great, I finally put a little more trust in my ability, the bike was doing exactly what he was made to do.  I had a huge smile on my face because I I was so grateful. It was a blessed time. I pulled off at one little bit of the trail and took a deep breath.  I said a little prayer of thanks for all the gifts I have been lucky enough to have been given and asked for the strength to share the love.

Lots of things went through my head this weekend.  I’m working out what I feel are 101 roadmaps, trying to figure what directions to take.  It is always hard to actually say it out loud when you aren’t sure of it yourself.  We admire people who take the big jumps but never think that they were just as scared before their feet moved in a new direction.  I’ve got steps for work, training, life, and even possibly school (again!) all floating inbetween my temples.  Riding helps me clear some things up about it all.  My good friend E has a saying that I’ll end this post with-

When in doubt, peddle it out.

Ride blessed, ya’ll~